


Carta Imunisasi Bagi Anak Dari Lahir Hingga Berumur 16 Tahun

Carta Imunisasi Bagi Anak Dari Lahir Hingga Berumur 16 Tahun 

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Vaccines in the National Immunisation Programme (NIP)

BCGTuberculosis (TB) – contagious and fatal, which could result in lung damage, TB meningitis and bone disease.
HepatitisBHepatitis B – a viral infection that can lead to jaundice or liver cancer, spread through sexual contact, blood transfusion.
Diphtheria – causes the obstruction of the airway and can lead to heart and brain damage.
Pertussis (Whooping cough) – severe, prolonged coughing fits that can cause lung and brain infections.
Tetanus (Lockjaw) – severe muscle spasm that can lead to death.
PolioPoliomyelitis (Polio) – permanent muscle weakness that can cause paralysis, especially of the legs.
Measles – highly contagious, characterized by fever, cough, runny nose and rashes. May be complicated by pneumonia, encephalitis, otitis media (middle ear infection).
Mumps – Highly infectious, causes swelling of the glands behind the jaw. May result in inflammation of the testis resulting in sterility.
Rubella (German measles) – may be passed by pregnant women to their babies, resulting in congenital rubella syndrome.
HibHaemophilus influenza tybe b (Hib) – inflammation of membranes around the brain and spinal cord (meningitis), pneumonia, bronchitis, bacteraemia, ear infection, and epiglottitis.

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